During 2020, Angola passed a Law on Video Surveillance (Lei da Videovigilância 2/20) which aims to balance requirements for security and public order with the right to privacy and other fundamental rights by outlining various limits and obligations related to video technology and data use, transparency, and admissibility as evidence. This law is operationalised in an associated regulation (Regulamento da Lei da Videovigilância - Decreto Presidencial 308/21) with screenshot below - and with machine translation of highlighted text from Portuguese to English.

Similar objectives are outlined in Article 17 of the earlier Law on Personal Data Protection 22/11 (Lei da Proteção de Dados Pessoais 22/11), which defines specific requirements for data processing in systems of video surveillance, below - also with machine translation of highlighted text from Portuguese to English.

Note that other countries have promulgated similar laws and regulations such as Gabon's surveillance standard based on the personal data protection law (Délibération N° 010/CNPDCP portant norme simplifiée n°002 relative à l'exploitation des systèmes de vidéosurveillance et de télévidéosurveillance).